WB Primary TET English Practice Set:
1. What is the Feminine Gender of Bridegroom ?
Ans. Bride
2. What is the Masculine Gender of Wife ?
Ans. Husband
3. What is the Masculine Gender of Goddess ?
Ans. God
4. What is the Masculine Gender of Miss ?
Ans. Master
5. What is the Masculine Gender of Daughter ?
Ans. Son
6. What is the Feminine Gender of Author ?
Ans. Authoress
7. What is the Feminine Gender of Bachelor ?
Ans. Maiden, Spinster
8. What is the Masculine Gender of Roe ?
Ans. Hart
9. What is the Feminine Gender of Jew ?
Ans. Jewess
10. What is the Feminine Gender of Conductor?
Ans. Conductress
11. What is the Masculine Gender of Hen ?
Ans. Rooster
12. What is the Feminine Gender of Traitor ?
Ans. Traitress
13. What is the Masculine Gender of Mother in Law ?
Ans. Father in Law
14. What is the Feminine Gender of Executor ?
Ans. Executrix
15. What is the Masculine Gender of Bee ?
Ans. Drone
16. What is the Feminine Gender Stallion ?
Ans. Mare
17. What is the Feminine Gender of Ram ?
Ans. Ewe
18. What is the Feminine Gender of Lord ?
Ans. Lady
19. What is the Masculine Gender of Nun ?
Ans. Monk
20. What is the Masculine Gender of Bitch ?
Ans. Dog
21. What is the Feminine Gender of Master ?
Ans. Mistress
22. What is the Feminine Gender of BUCK ?
Ans. Doe
23. What is the Feminine Gender of Heir ?
Ans. Heiress
24. What is the Feminine gender of Host ?
Ans. Hostess
25. What is the Masculine Gender of Pig ?
Ans. Boar
26. What is the Feminine gender of Emperor ?
Ans. Empress
27. What is the Feminine Gender of Governor ?
Ans. Governess
28. What is the Masculine gender of Mrs ?
Ans. Mr.
29. What is the Masculine Gender of Countess ?
Ans. Count
30. What is the Feminine Gender of Mayor ?
Ans. Mayoress